اقوى برنامج لعمل المونتاج والفيديو MAGIX Video Pro X7 - x64 - ::: مـنتدى قبيلـة الـدواسـر الـرسمي :::

العودة   ::: مـنتدى قبيلـة الـدواسـر الـرسمي ::: > :::. الأقسام الـنـشاطيّـة .::: > :: قسم الـكمبيوتــر والاتصـالات والتصاميم والجرافكس ::

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قديم 02-11-2015, 05:16 PM   #1
إحصائية العضو

خالد مشعل غير متصل

خالد مشعل is on a distinguished road

افتراضي اقوى برنامج لعمل المونتاج والفيديو MAGIX Video Pro X7 - x64

MAGIX Video Pro X7

MAGIX Video Pro X7 is the perfect editing software for intuitive and powerful video production. This multi-award-winning video editing suite is geared towards the unique requirements of ambitious and professional users, and offers an unrivaled range of powerful post-production tools.

The best version ever
Over 50 new features provide improved performance and detailed editing options and guarantee perfect image and sound quality with easy-to-use controls.

The most important features:
- Native 64-bit application with amazing performance
- Professional format support (ProRes, AVC-Intra etc.)
- Scalable proxy video editing
- Primary and secondary 3-way color correction
- Multicam editing on up to nine tracks
- Comprehensive action cam support
- Surround sound editing in broadcast quality
- Hardware-based decoding for HD and UHD
- proDAD Mercalli 4 (image stabilization)

New in MAGIX Video Pro X7:
- Censor faces with black rectangles or pixelate license plates – the new object tracking works more precisely than ever.
- The 20 new transitions are based on blur presets and can be optionally controlled using keyframes.
- 25 completely editable action cam templates offer quick, professional results.
- We've adjusted and modernized the color design and usability in accordance with customer wishes.
- Includes the exclusive Mercalli V4 plug-in from proDAD for top-notch image stabilization.
- Not only does Video Pro X7 offer hardware-accelerated encoding, but it can also decode H.264 files.

What's new in version
- Fixed crashing in specific situations
- Made corrections to reduce MPEG2 encoding crashes on long projects
- Fixed stability problems with some Decklink devices
- Neat Video now works with Stereo 3D















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الساعة الآن 09:36 PM

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