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::: مـنتدى قبيلـة الـدواسـر الـرسمي ::: (http://alduwaser.org/vb/index.php)
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-   -   برنامج لتحويل وقص ودمج الفيديوهات Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate (http://alduwaser.org/vb/showthread.php?t=72213)

خالد مشعل 23-11-2015 03:09 PM

برنامج لتحويل وقص ودمج الفيديوهات Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate
Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate



Xilisoft Video Converter is easy, fast, reliable, and loaded with features. Besides capable of converting standard videos of all popular formats, it also supports the conversion from standard videos to 3D videos as well as the mode conversion among 3D videos. Now you can convert video, audio, and animated images to play on your PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Xbox, Google phones, iPad, iPad2 and other digital multimedia devices

الساعة الآن 11:48 AM

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