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-   -   البرنامج الرائع لمنع التجسس والعديد من الميزات Destroy Windows Spying 1.5 Build 475 (http://alduwaser.org/vb/showthread.php?t=71883)

خالد مشعل 11-10-2015 02:58 AM

البرنامج الرائع لمنع التجسس والعديد من الميزات Destroy Windows Spying 1.5 Build 475
Destroy Windows Spying 1.5 Build 475



Destroy Windows Spying is a portable app that can block anonymous data being sent, remove apps that can’t be removed the standard way and more. I liked that it can remove some of the Windows default programs that can be removed under Apps & Features, an annoyance I immediately discovered since I prefer to “slim” down windows.

Changes in 1.5:
1. The program is rewritten from scratch. Its size is reduced.
2. HOSTS forced changes. Problems should not occur.
3. hosts now use ip address .
4. The program creates a system restore point.
5. The settings are divided into 2 types. Professional and normal.
6. Added check is enabled or disabled UAC.
7. A more expanded the Delete menu applications.
8. The utility adds a quick button system recovery.
9. Fix disable windows update.

الساعة الآن 11:48 AM

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